
Buddhist Prayers for Healing, Living, and Dying

º Annual Activities º

Throughout the year, the monastery and nunnery perform certain activities according to the Tibetan lunar calendar. Many of these are related to removing obstacles from the previous year and gathering positive conditions for the new year. (See the activities starting from the Wrathful Padmasaṃbhava Pūjā and concluding with the Ocean of Amṛta Drubchen at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling.)

Also of note are the four days commemorating significant events in the life of the Buddha: Chötrul Düchen, Saga Dawa Düchen, Chökhor Düchen and Lhabab Düchen. The effects of positive and negative actions are thought to be multiplied 10 million times on these days and are therefore very auspicious days to do spiritual practice, perform good deeds, sponsor prayers and make offerings.

The fourth month in the Tibetan lunar calendar is called Saga Dawa and is considered to be the most auspicious month of the year. It is also called the ‘Month of Merits’ and practitioners take extra care to perform meritorious deeds and avoid harmful actions during this time.  (See the activities starting from Fasting Retreat at Nagi Nunnery and concluding with the Anniversary of Mipham Rinpoche.) 

If you are unable to make an offering but would like to be included in any of the prayers or activities, please send your name(s) to [email protected].

º Monastic Rainy Season Retreat (Yarney) at KNSL Monastery and Nagi Nunnery º

July 21 – September 3, 2024 · more information · Make an offering 

º Recitation of the Collected Words of the Buddha (Kangyur Dakdrok) at Nagi Nunnery º

July 22 – August 5, 2024 · more information · Make an offering

º Chanting the Collected Songs of Realization of the Kagyu Masters (Kagyu Gurtso) º

August 19, 2024 · more information · Make an offering · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery

º Chöd Pūjā and Dance (day after Yarney) at Nagi Nunnery º

September 4, 2024 · more information · Make an offering

º 3 Day Fasting Retreat (Nyungne) at Nagi Nunnery º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering

º 3 Days of Shitro Narak Dongtruk Pūjā º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information ·  Make an offering · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery

º Lhabab Düchen (Festival of Buddha’s Descent from Heaven) º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · Thukdrub Gongpa Kündü Pūjā · at KNSL · Kunzang Tuktig Pūjā · at Nagi Nunnery

º Annual One Month Ngöndro Retreat and Tsawa Sum Retreat at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering 

º Anniversary of Kyabje Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · January 3, 2025 · more information · Make an offering · Ngakso Pūjā · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery and Nagi Nunnery

º Wrathful Padmasaṃbhava Pūjā (Sidok Raksha Thötreng Drubchok Pūjā) º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · January 26 – 28, 2025 · more information · Make an offering · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery

º Ocean of Amṛta (Ngakso) Drubchen at Nagi Nunnery º

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º Annual Chöd Pūjā at Nagi Nunnery º

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º Anniversary of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · Guru Yoga Practice · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery

º Vajrakilaya Pūjā and Lama Dances (Gutor Pūjā) at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery º

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º Vajrakilaya Pūjā (Gutor Pūjā) at Nagi Nunnery º


º Tibetan New Year Fragrant Smoke Pūjā (Losar Sangchöd Pūjā) º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery and Nagi Nunnery

º Tibetan New Year (Losar) º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery and Nagi Nunnery

º Chöd Pūjā and Dance at Nagi Nunnery (day after Losar) º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering

º Annual Fish Release (Tse Thar) º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · at Narayani River, Chitwan

º White Amitāyus (Tsekar) Drubchen º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery

º Chötrul Düchen (Festival of Buddha’s Display of Miracles) º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery

º Annual Raising of Prayer Flags (Lungta) º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · at Jamacho Temple, Nagarjuna Hill, Kathmandu Valley

º Annual One Month Ngöndro Retreat at Nagi Nunnery º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering 

º Ocean of Amṛta (Ngakso) Drubchen at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery º 

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES ·  more information · Make an offering 

º 17 Day Fasting Retreat (Nyungne) at Nagi Nunnery º

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º Saga Dawa Düchen (Festival of Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment, and Parinirvāṇa) º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · Padma Natesvar Avalokiteśvara (Pema Garwang) Pūjā · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery

º Recitation of the Collected Words of the Buddha (Kangyur Dakdrok) at KNSL Monastery º

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º 3 Days of Jewel Garland of Chöd Feasts (Tsokle Rinchen Trengwa Chöd) Pūjā at KNSL Monastery º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering

º Anniversary of the Parinirvāṇa of Mipham Rinpocheº

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · Mawey Senge Pūjā · at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery

º Anniversary of the Parinirvāṇa of Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa at KNSL Monastery and Nagi Nunnery º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · Kusum Rigdu Pūjā 

º Anniversary of the Birth of Guru Padmasaṃbhava at KNSL Monastery and Nagi Nunnery º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · Thukdrup Trinley Gyepa Pūjā

º Chökhor Düchen (Festival of Buddha’s Turning of the Wheel of the Dharma) at KNSL Monastery and Nagi Nunnery º

CLOSED NOW FOR OFFERINGS AND NAMES · more information · Make an offering · Sampa Lhündrub Pūjā