
Buddhist Prayers for Healing, Living, and Dying

º Anniversary of the Parinirvāṇa of Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa at KNSL Monastery and Nagi Nunnery º

Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa (1829 – 1870), also known as Chokgyur Lingpa, is considered to be one of the great tertöns (treasure revealers) of his lineage. This lineage traces back to Trisong Detsen (742 – 797), the Tibetan king who invited Padmasambhava to Tibet.  

According to legend, Guru Padmasambhava hid teachings, practices, and knowledge (known as termas) to be revealed later by tertöns at the right time for each era. Chokgyur Lingpa discovered the collection of termas called the Chokling Tersar. These profound teachings are concise and easy to apply, making them perfect for the modern age. Many of the pūjās performed at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling monastery and Nagi Nunnery are from the Chokling Tersar such as Tsekar, Ngakso, Tukdrup Barché Kunsel, and Zabtik Drolchok.

The Kusum Rigdu Pūjā is the Guru yoga of Chokgyur Lingpa. In this pūjā, the deity is Red Vajrayogini. The monks and the nuns perform the ritual of Kusum in which the three kayas – Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya, and Sambhogakaya are seen as one. The pūjā is performed each year by the monks and the nuns on the 1st day of the fifth month of the Tibetan lunar calendar to mark the Parinirvāṇa of Chokgyur Lingpa and so that all may receive his blessings.

We prostrate and make offerings in endless gratitude and make aspirations for the tradition to remain steadfast and unbroken for the benefit of all sentient beings. May the tradition of Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa, the universal monarch of the ocean of incarnated tertöns, pervade throughout all directions and times, and may there be the auspiciousness of unfolding the virtuous marks of benefit and happiness for the sake of all sentient beings.


If you are unable to make an offering but would like to be included in the Kusum Rigdu Pūjā that will be performed at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery and Nagi Nunnery on the Anniversary of the Parinirvāṇa of Chokgyur Dechen Shikpo Lingpa, please send your name(s) to [email protected].