
Buddhist Prayers for Healing, Living, and Dying

º Gebete º

Mönche aus Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling während einer Drubchen

Gebetsnachricht: Bitte liste die Namen der(s)jenigen auf, für den die Gebete gesagt werden.  Eine kurze Nachricht kann auch hinterlassen werden.  Wenn nichts erwähnt wird, werden die Gebete für denjenigen ausgeführt, der beauftragt hat. Der Verdienst wir für alle Lebewesen gewidmet. (sieh FAQ für mehr Informationen)

º Amitayus · Gottheit des Langen Lebens º

· Amitāyus Praxis mit Mantra Rezitation · Tse Zung · kann jeden Tag um 16 Uhr durchgeführt werden
Einmalig: Jetzt Anfragen
Monatliches Abo: Jetzt Anfragen
Jeden Tag 1 Woche lang · ODER · Jeden Tag 1 Monat lang: Jetzt Anfragen

· Weisse Amitāyus Pūjā · Tse Kar · Wird einmal im Monat durchgeführt
Einmalig: Jetzt Anfragen
Monatliches Abo: Jetzt Anfragen
Ganztages Pūjā von 8 Uhr am Vollmondtag (15. Tag des Monats im Tibetischen Mondkalendar)
2021-22:  Feb 27, Mär 28, Apr 27, Mai 26, Juni 24, Juli 24, Aug 22, Sept 20, Okt 20, Nov 19, Dey 18, Jän 17, Feb 16

º Avalokiteśvara · Chenrezig · Deity of Compassion º

· Avalokiteśvara Practice with Mantra Recitation · Mani Mantra · Om Mani Padme Hum · Performed daily at 4 pm
Einmalig: · OR · Once a Month: Request now
Every day for 1 week · OR · Every day for 1 Month: Request now

º Burnt Food Offering · Sur º

Offering to dispel harmful influences and purify negative karma (especially for the recently deceased) · Can be performed any day at 4 pm 
One time · OR · Once a Month: Request now
Every day for 1 week · OR · Every day for 1 Month: Request now

º Butter Lamps at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery º

· 108 Butter Lamps · (vegetable oil) · Can be lit any day at 4 pm
One time · OR · Once a Month: Request now
· 1 Butter Lamp a Day for 1 Year

1 Lamp a Day for 1 Year: Request now

º Chöd at Nagi Gompa º

· Chöd Pūjā · Tsokle Rinchen Trengwa · Performed once a month:Request now
Full Day Pūjā from 8 am on Dakini Day (25th day of Tibetan lunar month) by the nuns of Nagi Gompa
2021-22: Mar 8, Apr 6, May 6, June 4, July 4, Aug 3, Sep 1, Sep 3, Oct 31, Nov 29, Dec 29, Jan 27, Feb 26

º Death º

When someone passes away, it is recommended to sponsor the Pūjā for the Recently Deceased and the Prayers to Benefit the Living & the Dead.  If you would like to sponsor more, the Burnt Food Offering, Butter Lamps, Vajrasattva Pūjā and/or Vajrasattva Mantra are recommended.  Tara Pūjā is beneficial for the loved ones of the deceased.  (All of these prayers are found individually on this page.)  If possible, please send the name of the deceased, the date of passing, and one photo.

· Prayers to Benefit the Living & the Dead with Butter Lamps (within 48 hrs) and
· 1 Pūjā for the Recently Deceased with Phowa and Jyangchok (2-3 times a month): Request now

· Prayers to Benefit the Living & the Dead with Butter Lamps (within 48 hrs) and
· 1 Pūjā for the Recently Deceased with Phowa and Jyangchok (2-3 times a month) and
· Vajrasattva Pūjā (within 48 hrs) and
· Burnt Food Offering (within 48 hrs) and
· Tara Pūjā for the loved ones (within 48 hrs):Request now

· Prayers to Benefit the Living & the Dead with Butter Lamps (within 48 hrs & on days 7, 14, 21, 49) and
· All Pūjās for the Recently Deceased (with Phowa and Jyangchok) during 49 day period and
· 10,000 Vajrasattva Mantra Recitations – about 3 days (starts within 48 hrs) and
· Burnt Food Offering (within 48 hrs & on days 7, 14, 21) and
· Tara Pūjā for the loved ones (within 48 hrs): Request now

· Prayers to Benefit the Living & the Dead with Butter Lamps (within 48 hrs & on days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49) and
· All Pūjās for the Recently Deceased (with Phowa and Jyangchok) during 49 day period and
· 100,000 Vajrasattva Mantra Recitations – about 1 month (starts within 48 hrs) and
· Burnt Food Offering (within 48 hrs & on days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49) and
· Tara Pūjā for the loved ones (within 48 hrs) · $700: Request now

· Prayers to Benefit the Living & the Dead with Butter Lamps (within 48 hrs & daily for 49 days) and
· All Pūjās for the Recently Deceased (with Phowa and Jyangchok) during 49 day period and
· 100,000 Vajrasattva Mantra Recitations – about 1 month (starts within 48 hrs) and
· Burnt Food Offering (within 48 hrs & daily for 49 days) and
· Tara Pūjā for the loved ones (within 48 hrs): Request now

º Dharma Protectors º

· Dharmapāla Offering· Solkha · Vajrakilaya Sādhana with offerings to Lama Yidam, Mahakala, Vaiśravaṇa, etc
Performed daily at 4 pm: Request now

· Dharma Protector Pūjā · Ngödrub Gyatso · Performed once a month: Request now
Full Day Pūjā from 8 am on Dharmapāla Day (29th day of Tibetan lunar month)
2021-22: Mar 12, Apr 10, May 10, June 9, July 8, Aug 7, Sep 5, Oct 5, Nov 3, Dec 3, Jan 1, Jan 31, Mar 1

º Kurukullā · Pema Khandro º

· Kurukullā Pūjā · Performed once a month: Request now
Half Day Pūjā from 8 am on Dakini Day, 25th day of Tibetan lunar month.
2021-22: Mar 8, Apr 6, May 6, June 4, July 4, Aug 3, Sep 1, Sep 3, Oct 31, Nov 29, Dec 29, Jan 27, Feb 26

º Manjushri · Deity of Wisdom º

· Praises to Mañjuśrī with Mantra Recitation · Gang Lo Ma · Can be chanted any morning at 5:30 am: Request now

º Medicine Buddha · Sangye Menla · Deity of Healing º

· Medicine Buddha Practice with Mantra Recitation · Men Zung · Can be performed any day at 4 pm: Request now
Often requested on Medicine Buddha Day (8th day of Tibetan lunar month)
2021-22: Feb 20, Mar 21, Apr 20, May 20, June 18, July 17, Aug 16, Sep 14, Oct 13, Nov 12, Dec 11, Jan 10, Feb 9

º Nāgas º

· Nāga Pūjā · Lutor · Performed on Nāga Days: Request now
Naga days in 2021-22: June 4, June 11, June 19, June 28, July 19, July 24, July 25, July 26, Aug 3, Aug 8, Aug 9, Aug 13, Aug 18, Aug 28, Aug 30, Sep 5, Sep 8, Sep 14, Sep 20, Oct 3, Oct 5, Oct 6, Oct 12, Oct 22, Nov 2, Nov 11, Nov 21, Dec 1, Jan 11, Jan 12, Jan 18, Feb 11

º Ocean of Amṛta Pūjā · Ngakso Pūjā º

Performed once a month: Request now
Full Day Pūjā from 8 am on the New Moon Day (30th day of Tibetan lunar month)
2021-22: Mar 13, Apr 11, May 11, June 10, July 9, Aug 8, Sep 6, Oct 6, Nov 4, Dec 4, Jan 2, Feb 1, Mar 2

º Offerings to our Rinpoches º

· Offering to Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche · You choose amount: Make an Offering
· Offering to the kudung of Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche · You choose amount: Make an Offering
· Offering to Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche · Please visit Samyeinstitute

º Offering to the Sangha of Monks & Nuns º

· Support the approximately 500 monks at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery,  200 nuns at Nagi Nunnery and 30 monastics at Asura Cave · Provide food, clothing, housing, books, education, and healthcare.
One-time offering · You decide amount: Make an Offering
· Offer all meals for the Monks Sangha for a Day: Make on Offering
· Offer all meals for the Nuns Sangha for a Day: Make an Offering

º Padmasaṃbhava · Guru Rinpoche º

· Concise Manual for Daily Practice (Padmasabhava) · Gyunkyi Kholjang · Performed daily at 5:30 am: Request now

Padmasaṃbhava Prayer · Düsum Sangye  · Many recitations · Can be chanted any day at 4 pm: Request now
· 10,000 Recitations (about 3 days): Request now
· 100,000 Recitations (about 1 month): Request now

· Padmasaṃbhava Pūjā · Alternates between Tukdrub Trinley Gyepa and Sampa Lhündrub · Performed once a month: Request now
Half Day Pūjā from 8 am on Guru Rinpoche Day (10th day of Tibetan lunar month)
2021-22: Feb 22, Mar 23, Apr 22, May 21, June 20, July 19, Aug 17, Sep 16, Oct 15, Nov 14, Dec13, Jan 12, Feb 11

º Parṇaśavari · Healer Deity of Contagious Disease º

· Parṇaśavari Practice with Mantra Recitation · Can be performed daily at 5:30 am: Request now

º Prayer to Avert the Harm of Slander & Criticism · Mi Kha Dra Dok  º

Several recitations: Request now

º Prayers to Benefit the Living & the Dead with Butter Lamps · Monlam º

· Aspiration Prayer for Rebirth in Amitābha’s Pure Land · Demon Monlam
· Avalokiteśvara Mantra · Om Mani Padme Hum
· Butter Lamps
· Light Offering Prayer · Marmé Monlam
Can be chanted any day at 4 pm: Request now

º Puja for the Recently Deceased º

Pūjās to help the recently deceased are performed several times a month (the date is decided by the monastery). The particular pūjā is determined by the monastery and could be either: Shitro Narak Dongtruk, Ocean of Amṛta (Ngakso), or Kunzang Tuktig. Within the pūjā, the Transference of Consciousness Ritual (Phowa) and the Fire Ceremony (when photos of the deceased are burned) for rebirth in a Pure Land (Jyangchok) are performed. If possible, please send the name of the deceased, the date of passing, and one photo.

· Pūjā for the recently deceased with Phowa and Jyangchok: Request now

º Recitation and Prayers for Overcoming Obstacles ·  Duk Sher Seng Sum º

· Heart Sūtra Recitation
· Prayers to White Umbrella Goddess · Sitātapatrā · Dukar
· Prayers to Lion-Faced Dakini · Siṃhamukhā · Senge Dogma
Can be chanted any day at 4 pm: Request now

º Śākyamuni Buddha º

· Prayers to Buddha Śākyamuni and the 16 Arhats · Neten Chakchöd · Chanted daily at 5:30 am: Request now
Often requested on the New Moon Day which is Śākyamuni Buddha Day (30th day of Tibetan lunar month)
2021-22: Mar 13, Apr 11, May 11, June 10, July 9, Aug 8, Sep 6, Oct 6, Nov 4, Dec 4, Jan 2, Feb 1, Mar 2

º Tārā º

· Tārā Pūjā · Zabtik Drolchok · Recited daily at 5:30 am at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery: Request now

· Praises to 21 Tārās · Recited daily at 5:30 am by the nuns of Nagi Gompa
· 10,000 Recitations (about 3 days): Request now
· 100,000 Recitations (about 1 month): Request now
Often requested on Tara Day (8th day of Tibetan lunar month)
2021-22: Feb 20, Mar 21, Apr 20, May 20, June 18, July 17, Aug 16, Sep 14, Oct 13, Nov 12, Dec 11, Jan 10, Feb 9

º Three Prayers to Remove Obstacles & Gather Positive Conditions · Bar Sam Drol Sum º

· Prayer to Padmasaṃbhava: Clearing the Obstacles of the Path · Barché Lamsel
· Prayer to Padmasaṃbhava: Spontaneous Accomplishment of All Wishes · Sampa Lhündrub
· Praises to 21 Tārās
Can be chanted any day at 4 pm: Request now

º Vajrasattva · Dorje Sempa · Deity of Purification º

· Vajrasattva Pūjā · Sangtik Dorsem · Performed daily at 5:30 am: Request now

· Vajrasattva Mantra · Dorsem Yigya · Can be chanted any day at 5:30 am
· 10,000 Repetitions (about 3 days): Request now
· 100,000 Repetitions (about 1 month): Request now

º Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones · Tashi Tsekpa º

· Prayer to all Buddhas, 8 Sugatas, 8 Bodhisattvas, 8 Goddesses, 8 Guardians to invoke auspiciousness
Several recitations · Can be chanted any day at 4 pm: Request now

º Wealth Pūjā º

· Lama Norlha Pūjā · Padmasaṃbhava as Lama Norlha with Dzambhala and other wealth deities
Performed once a month: Request now
Half Day Pūjā from 8 am on the 8th day of Tibetan lunar month
2021-22: Feb 9, Feb 20, Mar 21, Apr 20, May 20, June 18, July 17, Aug 16, Sep 14, Oct 13, Nov 12, Dec 11, Jan 10, Feb