
Buddhist Prayers for Healing, Living, and Dying

º FAQ: Buddhistische Gebete º

Asura Cave Rückzugsplatz - Pharping

Wie kann ich Gebetshilfe so schnell wie möglich erhalten?

To get prayer help as soon as possible, choose one of the daily prayers/pujas. Home has a list of prayers & pujas that are chanted daily. On Prayers the daily prayers/pujas are indicated: Chanted daily.

Wie kann ich mehr als ein Gebet anfragen?

After you donated successfully, you will see our Donation Confirmation page. From there, go to Prayers. Choose another prayer. Click on Donate.

Wie kann ich von einer monatlichen Spende/Gebet/puja zurücktreten?

On Main Prayers next each monthly service Subscribe link is an Unsubscribe link. Or use this link: Unsubscribe.

Was passiert nachdem Ich um ein Gebet gefragt habe?

An email is sent to the monastery. Often the prayer is done the same day. Sometimes the monks/nuns may not be able to perform the prayer immediately, but will do so after a few days. In any case, your request will be carried out within at most seven days. All donors’ names are read aloud in the temple after the prayers are done, at the dedication of merit.

Wer macht die Gebete? Wie oft?

The prayers are done by monks at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, or by nuns at Nagi Gompa. All the monks, or all the nuns will perform the prayer/puja you have requested. How many times they repeat it depends on which one it is.

Werde ich informiert zu welchen Zeiten die Gebtete ausgeführt werden?

If the prayer will be done the same day, you won’t be notified ahead of time. If the prayer will be done a few days later, we will email you to tell you when.

Werde ich benachrichtigt, nachdem die Gebete ausfgeführt worden sind?

You will be notified by email that the prayers or pujas you requested have been performed.

Werden die Ronppches über meine Gebetsanfragen benachrichtigt?

Yes. On special days, the Rinpoches lead the puja in the meditation hall, and the names of all recent sponsors are read aloud.

Was ist Verdienst?

Merit (Sanskrit: punya, Tibetan: sonam) is good karma created by good thoughts, words and actions. Giving, kindness and dharma practice generate merit. Merit is essential for happiness, worldly success, good health, long life, spiritual realization and good rebirth.
Merit in Buddhism AccessToInsight.org Wikipedia.org

º Spezielle Anfragen º

Wie kann ich ein Gebet an jemand widmen?

Click on Donate next to the prayer or puja you want to dedicate. Then fill out the field Dedicate with: Dedicate to & the name of the person you want to dedicate the prayer to. That person’s name will be read aloud in the temple after the prayer is performed. The merit from the prayer will be dedicated for that person.

Wie kann ich ein Gebet als Geschenk machen?

Click on Donate next to the prayer or puja you want to give as a gift. Then fill out the field Dedicate with:
· Gift, or Anniversary Gift, or Birthday Gift, or Graduation Gift, or Wedding Gift, etc.
· Name of person the gift is for (both people’s names if it’s an anniversary or wedding gift).
· Date of their anniversary, birthday, graduation, wedding, etc.
· Their mailing address.

Wie kann ich ein Gebet für jemand widmen der verstorben ist?

Click on Donate next to the prayer or puja you want to schedule. Then fill out the field Dedicate with: Dedicate for Deceased & the name of the person who has died. The merit from the prayer or puja will be dedicated for that person. The deceased person’s name will also be written on the name-burning paper. The Rinpoches will perform that ritual on special days. It can only be done within 49 days of death.

Wie kann ich ein Gebet für einen Zweck widmen?

Click on Donate next to the prayer or puja you want to dedicate. Then fill out the field Dedicate with: Dedication Purpose & the purpose you want to dedicate the prayer/puja for. That purpose will be read aloud in the temple after the prayer is performed. The merit from the prayer will be dedicated for that purpose.

Wie kann ich ein Gebet für ein bestimmtes Datum anfragen?

Click on Donate next to the prayer or puja you want to schedule. Then fill out the field Dedicate with: Prayer Scheduling or Puja Scheduling & the date you would like the prayer or puja scheduled. We will try to schedule your prayer on your requested date, if possible.

Wie mache ich eine spezielle Anfrage für ein monatliche Puja?

Click on Donate next to the prayer or puja you want to subscribe to on a regular basis. Then fill out the field Dedicate with: Dedicate to & the name of the person you want to dedicate the prayer to and/or Dedicate Purpose & the purpose you want to dedicate the prayer/puja for.

º Aussuchen von Gebeten und Pujas º

Welche Gebete/Pujas sind hilfreich für Gesundheit und langes Leben?

Go to Prayers. Choose from these: Amitayus (Amitayus Dharani, Red Amitayus Puja, White Amitayus Puja), Medicine Buddha Puja, Green Tara (Tara Praises, Tara Puja).

Welche Gebete/Pujas sind hilfreich um Hindernisse zu überkommen?

Go to Prayers. Choose one or more of these: Green Tara (Tara Praises, Tara Puja), Three Prayers to Remove Obstacles & Gather Positive Conditions, Overcoming Obstacles.

Welche Gebete/Pujas sind hilfreich für

Glück und Wohlstand?

Go to Prayers. Choose from: Lama Norlha, Green Tara (Tara Praises, Tara Puja), Three Prayers to Remove Obstacles and Gather Positive Conditions.

Welche Gebete/Pujas werden als Hochzeitsgeschenk angeraten?

We recommend Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones. Click on Donate, then fill the field labeled Dedication & type in Wedding Gift, their names, and their mailing address.

Welche Gebete sind hilfreich, wenn man ein neues Bemühen angeht?

Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones is often recited at the start of a new activity, a new business, moving to a new place, weddings, etc. Some people recite it at the start of a new day. You can also make offerings to the sangha of monks and nuns, and dedicate the merit to the success of your new activity.

Welche Gebete/Pujas sind hilfreich für Menschen die verstorben sind?

Go to Prayers. Under the Bardo heading, request Kunzang Tugtik Puja, or Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Bardo. Further down on Main Prayers, you can request Five Prayers to Benefit the Living and the Dead, or Ocean of Amrita (Ngakso Puja).

Welche Gebete sind hilfreich für Menschen die Selbstmord begangen haben?

Go to Prayers. Choose the Ocean of Amrita (Ngakso Puja).

Welche Pujas sind hilfreich für Menschen die

chronische Depression haben?

Go to Prayers. Choose the Ocean of Amrita (Ngakso Puja).

º Geld º

Bekomme ich eine Rechnung?

We and Paypal, or your credit card vendor will create a receipt, and email it to you.

Bekomme ich einen Steuernachlass durch Spenden an Monlam.org?

All donations made through Monlam.org are fully tax-deductible in the US. All donations made at Monlam are received by the Shedrub Development Fund, a public charity registered in the United States. Donations are tax deductible in the United States under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue code. All donors will receive an email receipt.

Wie spende ich ohne eine Kredit Karte?

Go to Paypal.com. Sign up for a Paypal Personal Account. Set it up to pay from your bank account.

Warum wird um Geld gefragt für Buddhistische Gebete?

Traditionally, Buddhist prayers are offered without a specific price tag. People give as generously as they are able. Buddhists understand that generosity creates merit, which helps them and others. Many people using this service may be unfamiliar with this tradition, so minimum donation amounts are next to each prayer.

Wohin geht das Geld?

Your donation supports Buddhist monks and nuns, including Tibetan refugees. Donations pay for food, clothing, housing, education, books, and healthcare. A little goes to pay for the costs of having this website and using Paypal and other payment gateways. Paypal charges us $0.87 – $1.17 per $30 donation, depending on our monthly volume.